Our Clients

Our financial advisers help expats around the globe manage their financial affairs from UK pension transfers, managing existing investments, lump-sum investments/portfolio management, regular savings, insurances, international mortgages and much more.

Who we work with

All our clients have some key elements in common – they are a ‘good fit’ for our firm and methodologies and we are the right financial partner for them.

With a client base of around 100, we find they come from a range of backgrounds and circumstances.

Typically we work best with:
About us

Suitability as a client is determined by a number of factors

Fundamentally there must be a willingness to fully engage in our in-depth, interactive exploratory planning process. This is a critical element in ensuring we fully understand lifestyle goals, desires and aspirations and can build an effective plan from it.

Additionally, we need to be certain that we can provide value and they have the capacity to pay our fees. If we feel we cannot add sufficient value to our clients to justify their fees we would decline to proceed.

Do you have an exit plan for your business?

Business exit planning is growing in popularity in the UK, but all too often business owners leave this thinking until they are ready to sell.

The truth is that developing your exit plan is a great idea at any stage, helping you build a sellable business that will give you the freedom to achieve your personal ambitions.

Our free checklist will:

  • Help you set exit planning goals.
  • Give you the specific areas of consideration.
  • Ask you the questions you need to answer.